Thursday, October 31, 2013

Horror challenge #100: "Truth or Dare (2012)"

This is a nasty little horror thriller that sends a message that it's a bad idea to bully people, but instead of focusing on the harm bullying can cause, it mostly focuses on the harm people can cause when they avenge bullying.  In the movie, a prank at a party drives a student to do something terrible, and then several months later five friends who were at that party are invited to this kid's birthday party.  they don't like him, but they come for the free booze, only to be held hostage by a maniac and forced to play a game of "Truth or Dare" with deadly consequences.  There's a lot of icky torture scenes in the movie, and even though this group is full of people who are kind of assholes, they still don't deserve what happens to them.  There are a lot of twists along the way and the ending is great.  I really enjoyed this one.

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