Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October Horror Challenge 2018 #97: "Deep Dark (2015)"

After having some success with this strategy, I'm hoping on the "indie horror movie" train, hoping that I'll find another hidden gem like a few of the others I've seen this year for the Challenge. This movie is about a failed artist, a sculptor, who is considering suicide until he comes across a strange hole in the wall that talks to him, promising to make his wildest dreams come true. This is all great until it turns into a nightmare (a talking hole in the wall turning out to be evil...who would have seen that coming?)

This is a weird sounding premise for a movie, but sometimes weird ideas turn out to be good movies ("Slice" totally proved that) so I'm hopeful. It does take forever to get going, which is weird considering how short it is, but it was interesting enough watching Herman (the artist) fail at art.

Once Herman becomes acquainted with the hole in the wall, though, things get really weird, really quick. Like apeshit insane. Dude,  what kind of drugs were they on when they came up with this story? Good lord. It's not bad, though, who knew that a voice coming out of a hole in a wall could be so creepy? She's nuts, though (yeah, the voice seems to be a "she"). And once Herman decides he has to do something about the hole, things get violent (and even more weird). Whatever drugs the filmmakers were on, I'm glad they took them, because this was a cool little movie.

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