Wednesday, October 3, 2018

October Horror Challenge 2018 #8: "The Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf"

The fact that the title of this oumovie is a play on a playground insult should probably tell you most of what you need to know about the movie itself. This ain't no highbrow, sophisticated horror movie, folks. Despite the fact that Christopher Lee is in this movie, doing his best to inject some class into the proceedings, the movie is still pretty trashy and ridiculous. Now that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Some of my favorite movies are trashy and ridiculous, and despite the fact that the first Howling wasn't my favorite movie, I was still willing to give this movie a chance.

This movie picks up a few days after the events of the first movie. Despite the best efforts of the main character in that movie, the world still doesn't have a clue about the existence of werewolves, except for s select few people who are sworn to fight them. Christopher Lee is one of those people, and he tries to convince a reporter and her boyfriend (the brother of the main character from the first movie) that werewolves exist and they must be defeated. After witnessing some supernatural events, they choose to help him, and the three set off for "the dark land" to hunt some werewolves .

If you can't tell from the movie poster, the werewolves are pretty silly in this movie. They all look like reject dancers from a cheesy 80s music video (that is, when they're wearing clothes and not engaging in a 20 minute naked werewolf orgy). There isn't anything as memorable here as the famous werewolf transformation scene from the first movie, but there are some cool special effects here.

The movie spends most if it's time being so over the top that it gets in it's own way and ruins any tension it could have built. If nothing else, though, this movie did give me a new appreciation for the first movie. At least that one tried its hand at sarcasm and satire, whereas this one just ends up being silly. It's a shame, too, because the movie take place in a cool location, and there could have been some good scares along the way if the movie didn't waste its resources being juvenile and stupid.

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