Saturday, October 27, 2018

October Horror Challenge 2018 #77: "Island of Death (1978)"

I've been meaning to watch this for years. It's supposed to be a gooey exploitation classic, really depraved and disturbing, you get the drift. I almost bought it once because I was on a spree buying all the disturbing horror movies I could, but I bought something else instead. I was glad to see it on Amazon this year so I could finally watch it for the challenge.

The description says that this movie is about two psychotic killers who go on a killing spree on a small Greek island. I guess I'm dumb, but when the movie starts out and I see our two main characters,  I assumed they were two of the victims, since they were enjoying what looked like a nice vacation. That will teach me to assume things. It soon becomes clear that these two are disturbing and depraved, and then we get to watch them have lots of gross sex and kill people for like, two hours.

Not that I think this movie gives a crap about anything, least of all accurate descriptions, but these characters aren't really psychopaths, they're more accurately described as sociopaths, and they don't have emotions or feel empathy for other people. They definitely don't have empathy for the viewers who are stuck watching this boring movie. Yes, you heard me right, it's boring. The thing about depravity is that if you throw scene after scene after scene of depraved, disgusting crap at us, it stops having an effect on us (except to make us wish we hadn't watched this movie).

The only time the movie isn't being boring is when the horrendous soundtrack is playing, and that's only because the music is so terrible that it will make your ears bleed. I've seriously never heard music this terrible in a movie before, and there are only like 4 songs and they play over and over until I wanted to RIP my ears off. I didn't care for the acting, either. I suppose it's fine, but every single one of the characters is so stupid and unlikable that I was beyond sick of watching them have sex, rape each other, and kill or get killed. If this is such a small island, why does it take them so long to realize people are murdering the citizens? They kill like three people a day. No, never mind, it's silly of me to want anything in this movie to make sense. It's not disturbing or shocking, it's just annoying and boring. I'm so glad I never paid money for it! I agree with the tagline for this movie,  the lucky ones got their brains blown out, so they didn't have to watch this movie.

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