Monday, October 8, 2018

October Horror Challenge 2018 #26: "The Detour (2017)"

Amazon kept recommending this movie to me, so I caved to the peer pressure and finally decided to check it out. It's about a married couple who are driving across country to visit her parents when their car breaks down on a deserted road. Not knowing what to do, they decide to fight for twenty minutes then do nothing for several hours,  sitting in their car playing on their phones (which magically haven't run out of battery) until a car finally stops, and they think they're saved, but they might have just put themselves in deadly danger.

The movie is relatively short, so it has that going for it. It doesn't overstay its welcome. The acting isn't bad either, though the couple kind of get on my nerves with their fighting. When the movie opens the wife is watching a horror movie on tv, so I know they've seen horror movies before, so I kinda have to wonder why they don't realize anything might be wrong and they could be in danger, so they should do more than argue and sit in their car for hours on a creepy deserted road like this one.

The couple in the car that finally stops to pick them up are pretty good actors too, and they amp up the creep factor. I don't have a car, so I've accepted rides from strangers many times, and movies like this one always make me think twice about how glad I am that I've never been picked up by creeps or murderers before (knock on wood!) I kind of figured some possible scenarios for what might happen in the movie, so it wasn't a big surprise or anything, but I  did have fun with this one.

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