Thursday, October 3, 2019

October Horror Challenge 2019 #9: "Hatchet"

It's kind of embarrassing that I haven't seen this movie yet. I love horror movies,  love slasher movies, and pretty much everyone liked this movie,  so it's almost sure that I'll like it. It's one of those movies that I kept putting off and putting off, then years went by and now it has at least two sequels, so I definitely need to finally sit down and watch it. Here's hoping it's as good as everyone says it is.

So this movie is about a group of tourists who go on a haunted swamp tour during Mardi Gras. Soon they're stranded in the woods with a deformed, sadistic killer. I hate it when that happens. It's kind of nice to see a hard R rated horror movie with some nasty gore. I remember when this movie came out it was in the midst of a lot of "found footage" and PG-13 horror movies, so horror fans were excited to see a return to hardcore gore and nudity.

This movie has it all: lots of guest starring roles for horror legends like Tony Todd and Robert Englund, lots of gore and nudity, and aspects that hearken back to classic horror tropes like the crazed old guy trying to warn our characters of the evil that awaits them (they don't listen, of course). It also has a main character that I kind of like. Sue me, I'm a lot like Ben, and I would TOTALLY rather go on the haunted swamp tour than party with a bunch of drunk college kids.

I'm a sucker for gory slashers with crazed killers, especially since I kind of identify with the killer (he had a rough life, plus seriously dude, stay the fuck out of his swamp and you'll be fine). Some of the kills are really cool too. I love when he grabs someone's face and jaw and rips their head in two. He also hacks someone up with a shovel when it's the only weapon close at hand. Nifty and resourceful,  just what I like in a killer! After waiting far too long to finally watch this movie,  I'm happy to report that I did indeed enjoy it.

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