Monday, October 21, 2019

October Horror Challenge 2019 #65: "Attack of the Crab Monsters"

This is one of those movies that gets talked about a lot among some horror fans because it's supposed to be so terrible that it's great. I've been meaning to test this theory for awhile, but I haven't watched this movie yet. I didn't want to buy it and have it be terrible (I used to do that all the time, but now I'm poor, so I can only afford to buy movies that are worth the money) so I had to wait until I could stream it somewhere. Way to get on that, Amazon.

As the title cleverly attests, this movie is about a bunch of crab monsters that crawl out of the sea and attack humans. A boat full of navy soldiers disappears into thin air, and the army sends researchers to see what happened. Soon everyone is fighting to stay alive and not get eaten by giant crabs. Ugh. Crabs are gross. They're basically big undersea spiders that will eat anything, so when you eat them you're basically chowing down on an undersea garbage disposal. Yummy!

The special effects in this movie are silly, but that's to be expected with horror cheapie like this. It's still fun watching a bunch of pissed off crabs scuttling around killing people. Plus some of the scenes work really well. I hate it when I go to investigate a strange clicking sound outside and I almost get killed by a giant crab claw. And I never thought the clucking sounds of crab claws would be scary but it is in this movie.

Plus I like how the monsters are intelligent. They're not just hig dumb lumbering monsters, they plan their attacks and do things like destroy the radio so the humans can't call for help. And the whole "disembodied voices talking" thing is really creepy and messed up. It's an idea that's almost too sophisticated for a cheesy monster movie. In the end, this movie has some good ideas, but it isn't great or anything. I have to give it credit thpugh, since it's an entertaining little monster flick.

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