Thursday, October 17, 2019

October Horror Challenge 2019 #49: "The Corpse Vanishes"

This movie is about a doctor whw lives in a secluded castle with his wife, who seems to be ill. The doctor is obsessed with helping her at any cost. Soon, young brides begin dying on their wedding days and their bodies disappear from the morgue. A reporter thinks the doctor has something to do with the deaths, so she investigates and discovers a shocking secret.

I really liked this movie. I think I've seen it before, but my cheesecloth brain can't recall. I think Bela Lugosi is a good actor. It's hip to make fun of him, but I think he had a great presence and injected genuine menace to his scenes. It's a shame he isn't taken more seriously.

I also think the story of the movie is a good one. It's sad how the doctor can't bear to let his wife go, and the lengths to which he's willing to go to help her are tragic. We all face life with the inevitability of death hanging over us every day. If we could fight death and stay young somehow, wouldn't we want to? I think about that a lot, so the lit if the movie intrigued me. Yes, the movie drags a lot, and the characters do some idiotic things to advance the plot, but it's still an interesting little movie to me. Worth watching again.

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