Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October Horror Challenge 2019 #86: "H8RZ"

When this movie came out,  people compared it to the movie "Unfriended," and they probably meant it as an insult, but I actually liked "Unfriended," so I wanted to see this movie even more because of the comparison. Funny how that works. I will say though that this movie isn't anything like "Unfriended." It's got it's own thing going on.

So in this movie, a group of students are caught cheating on a test, and they all fail, so they team up and develop a plan to expunge the records of their bad grades. The plan works, but soon it's clear that someone knows what they did, because they start receiving messages from someone claiming to be a student who committed suicide a year before. Soon the students are being blackmailed to do what the messages tell them or their cheating will be exposed.

The premise is a little far fetched, and it's kinda hard to believe the students thought they would get away with this (and I have a hard time believing it would work, but whatever). The acting is good, though, so it has that going for it. The way the movie unfolds is cool, too. It begins with a huge terrible event, and then the students are questioned about what happened, and that's how we learn the story of their cheating and blackmail. It kind of reminds me of a movie called "Evidence," which has a similar plot, or even "The Usual Suspects," which is the first movie I saw where we learn the story of what happened in a movie by hearing interviews with the characters after the fact. It's a cool technique for building suspense.

This movie is really more of a thriller or a mystery than a horror movie,  but I think it just barely skates by. It was fun seeing some of my favorite character actors show up in this movie, like Carey Elwes and Jeremy Sisto. Plus even with the plot holes and inconsistencies, the movie is compelling enough once it gets going that I was too engrossed to care. I've probably seen too many movies to he fooled by all the twists in this one, but I still enjoyed going along for the ride.

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