Wednesday, October 16, 2019

October Horror Challenge 2019 #47: "Devil Doll (1964)"

Ventriloquist dummies are creepy as hell. I think I've mentioned before how much those evil little things freak me out. I blame R.L. Stone who wrote one of his"Goosebumpd" books about a killer doll like the one in this movie. Plus there have always been horror movies that use the creepiness of these dolls to enhance the creepiness of their movies. "Magic" did that in the 80s, and "Dead Silence" did it more recently. These movies don't have to do much to scare me, since I find the dollssvary on their own, so I'm hoping this one is good for some scares.

This movie is about a creepy ventriloquist named Vorelli who performs in a stage show with a doll who appears to be alive. A newspaper reporter becomes obsessed with Vorelli and wants to do a story about him, so he convinces his girlfriend to come to one of the shows with him and volunteer to be in the act with Vorelli, who in turn becomes obsessed with her and starts controlling her mind. He wants to marry her and steal her soul, and the reporter must discover his evil secrets in order to stop him.

The doll 8s definitely creepy. I think if I'd seen this when I was a kid it would have given me nightmares. The story of how he used his power and the things he can do it creepy too. The show Alfred Hitchcock Presents did a story aabouta ventriloquist and his dummy that kind of reminds me of this one, though the twist in that one was different. I really liked the ending of this movie. It has a cool twist. This isn't a bad movie, and it's 9ne that could benefit from getting a remake.

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