Monday, October 28, 2019

October Horror Challenge 2019 #77: "Earth Versus the Spider"

I've said this before,  but spiders creep me out, so almost any horror movie with spiders will be spooky fun for me as long as it's at least marginally competent. I try to squeeze in at least one spider-themed horror movie a year because I know I'll enjoy them. I don't think I've seen this one before, so I was excited to check it out.

This movie is about some students who go looking for their missing friend and find a giant spider that's chowing down on local townspeople. The spider is almost impossible to kill, but the people fight it and try to kill it, and the genius scientist in this movie thinks it's dead so he starts studying its body, only to discover that it's still alive and now royally pissed off. I kinda don't blame it. I'd be pissed too.

I realize that characters in horror movies have to be dumb in order to advance the plot, but the characters in this movie seem especially stupid. If you find out there's a giant spider attacking your town, wouldn't you make sure it was dead before moving its body to the local school to study it? And why would you just assume there's only one giant spider and not make sure there aren't more out there?

Also, wouldn't you like, call in the army or something instead of leaving like two local cops in charge of guarding the giant spider and hunting it down once it escapes? And I don't care how cool my new bracelet was, I would not go back to the lair of a giant spider to look for it if I lost it, for fuck's sake! So yeah, this movie is dumb, but the spider skeeved me out, so I had fun watching it in spite  of its flaws.

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