Sunday, October 23, 2022

October Horror Challenge 2022 #95: "Zombieland: Double Tap"

Speaking of sequels, this one has been out for a little while, but I hadn't had a chance to see it over the years, so today was as good as any to finally check it out. I remember when I first saw the original Zombieland. Comedies are a big gamble for me because I'm really picky when it comes to comedies. I often find them stupid when they're supposed to be funny, and unless they have Adam Sandler is in them, I more often hate them than liking them. I was also not looking forward to seeing a horror comedy where the jokes read like "horror fans are stupid, hahahahaha!" Zombieland was one of those rare comedies that managed to be funny without insulting anyone's intelligence, though, so I had high Hope's for this sequel. Let's do this thing.

Zombie slayers Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock, are living in the White House when this movie opens, but Witchita and Little Rock decide to leave the nest, which prompts Tallahassee and Columbus to decide to leave as well, and they end up heading for Graceland in Memphis Tennessee. Along their merry way they find other post apocalyptic survivors and some who have taken refuge in a commune. The ragtag band of fighters must rely on their waits and weapons more than ever before as they find themselves fighting a new breed of zombie that is smarter, faster, and seemingly indestructible.

Everyone is older and wiser in this movie. Abigail Breslin in particular is all grown up, and she is getting ready to fly the cooper and seeking out people her own age, much to the chagrin of her older sister, who doesn't want her hooking up with a pacifist (how is a pacifist going to fight zombies? I'm guessing this won't end well). Zoey Deutch is in this movie too, playing Madison, a new rival for Columbus's affections. She's funny because she's kind of an airhead and a softie and everything Witchita is not, which causes a lot of friction between them.

You may be wondering what the zombies are like in this movie, and the answer is STRONG. The zombies are evolving and becoming a stronger, faster, and almost indestructible threat. This movie definitely takes the "sequels must be bigger and badder than the original" rule to heart too, especially with the conclusion (I have two words for you: zombie jump. Don't even ask, it's a sight to behold and you just have to see it first yourself). I have to say, this sequel lives up to the name of the first movie, and I'm glad I watched it.

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