Wednesday, October 26, 2022

October Horror Challenge 2022 #103: "Fall (2022)"

Why in sam hell am I watching this movie? I'm terrified of heights. like TERRIFIED of them, like I'm freaking out right now just THINKING about the premise of this movie. When I first heard about this movie, I vowed never to watch it because it just sounded too nerve wracking to me. One of my friends watched this movie, and she mentioned how it unnerved her and she isn't even scared of heights the way I am, and she made me promise not to watch this movie (sorry Michelle!) but here I am, watching the movie I'm sure is going to freak me out. Here goes nothing.

So this movie is about best friends Becky and Hunter, who are all about pushing limits and living life to the fullest by living life dangerously and conquering their fears. However, after they climb 2000 feet to the top of an abandoned radio tower, they find themselves stranded with no way down. Now, their expert climbing skills are put to the ultimate test as they desperately fight to survive the elements, a lack of supplies, and vertigo-inducing heights. Basically the worst nightmare for someone who's afraid of heights, so I should NOT be watching this movie, and yet here we are.

There's a movie called "Frozen" that is about three friends who wind up stranded at the top of a ski lift, which is frighteningly high up but not nearly as high as the tower in this movie. I can't imagine climbing anything like this, especially not after witnessing my boyfriend die on a mountain climb like the main character in this movie, Becky, just did. I have to say, if I'd just climbed to the top of the tower like these two had, that would be enough for me, and I wouldn't need to hang off the edge of the tower like they do. My palms are sweating just watching this movie and I haven't even climbed anything.

I knew that in order for this movie to happen the ladder was going to have to fall apart, so intellectually I was ready, but emotionally I wasn't ready because my stomach dropped out my spleen when it happened onscreen. I'm sure that some people will say this isn't a horror movie, but in the course of this film I felt more sheer terror than I did throughout the rest of this challenge with all of the other movies I've watched for this challenge, I swear. in this movie, the wind and the vultures are bigger, scarier monsters than Freddy or Jason or Michael Myers could ever be. Even the sun is an enemy, drying their skin and dehydrating them while they fight the elements trying to survive. The two female leads, Virginia Gardiner and Grace Caroline Currey, do an amazing job, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan even has a small but important role as Becky's father. I'm impressed that with basically two people and a metal pole this movie held my attention for an hour and 47 minutes without me getting bored once. Bravo.

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