Monday, October 10, 2022

October Horror Challenge 2022 #44: "Predators"

So I meant to watch Predator II after I watched Predator, but I let Hulu automatically load the next movie in the series and it loaded this one. I wondered why the special effects looked so modern and not like something out of the 90s when Predator II was released. Whoops. This was a good little action horror movie though.

In this movie, a group of killers wake up to find themselves in a jungle fighting against a monster that wants them dead. Suddenly the predators have become the prey. The killers soon realize they were brought together on this planet for this purpose, to test these new breed of killer aliens, and that they need to work together if they want to survive.

This movie has an unholy alliance formed by killers who can't trust each other, but they have to trust each other, because that's the only way any of them will make it out alive. As such, they really have no reason to trust each other, and to the extent that they do start to trust each other, they live to regret it because they're bad guys doing what bad guys do. it's hard to root for any of these characters (because: bad guys) so this movie is pretty frustrating. At least in the first movie Dutch was something of a good guy, but no such luck here. This isn't a bad movie, it's got some good gore, and if you can get over the fact that there's no one to root for because everyone's a jerk, you might enjoy yourself.

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