Tuesday, October 11, 2022

October Horror Challenge 2022 #47: "The Wretched"

Netflix has been recommending this movie to me for like, a year now. They put it in the "teen scream" category with "The Bye Bye Man," and I really liked that movie, so maybe I'll enjoy this movie too. After slashers, teen screams seem to be my favorite type of horror flick. Bring on the teen screams!

This movie is about an angry, angsty teenage boy who is not dealing very well with his parent's divorce when he is gobsmacked with something supernatural and evil. It would seem that a thousand year old witch has taken up residence, possessing the neighbor next door, and he must fight the evil before it hurts anyone else. Mmmmmm, teenage angst. Gotta love it.

This movie gave me some serious Rear Window vibes. The main character, Ben, broke his arm and is in a cast, and when he's spying on the neighbors from his window, trying to learn what dark secret they are hiding, it reminded me of classics like Rear Window or even a few newer movies, like Mimic III, where otherwise incapacitated characters try to learn their neighbor's secrets by spying on them from next door. This movie isn't as good as those movies but it does have hints of greatness in it.

When I was a teenager, there was a show on nickelodeon called "Are You Afraid of the Dark" and in the show various kids would sit around a campfire and tell stories trying to scare each other. It was all the rage for awhile, and my friends and I would mimic the kids on TV by trying to tell each other stories and try to scare each other. This movie reminds me of a long episode of "Are You Afraid of the Dark" and I kind of love it for that, in spite of its flaws. When it's just focusing on the witch attacking people, it has some scary moments, and it throws a third act twist at us in an attempt to shock us, which only marginally works, but it's a nice effort. overall, this movie wasn't great, but it was someone fun way to spend 90 minutes, so if it sounds like something you'd like, definitely check it out.

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