Thursday, October 13, 2022

October Horror Challenge 2022 #56: "Found Footage 3D"

For a little while there I was obsessed with found footage horror movies. I watched every one I could find and I liked them all, no matter how crappy they were. Then after some time passed, I got burnt out and tired of the formula, and then even the good found footage horror flicks were boring to me. By nature the things set you up to spend a lot of your time watching random boring footage where nothing happens because that's how the films set themselves up, it's all exposition and nothing really creepy is going to happen until the movie is at least halfway over with, and that gets really old really fast. I've kinda renewed my interest in found footage horror recently though, so I was eager to watch this movie and see if it was worth the hype that surrounded it when it came out. Thundercats are GO!

This movie is about a small film crew trying to make the first ever 3D found footage horror film, but they unwittingly find themselves in the middle of a found footage film when ghostly events start happening around them. Will they be able to get to the bottom of the sinister events before it's too late?

Why is it in every found footage movie there seems to be a group of people who can't stand each other yet agree to spend days isolated with each other working on some project (in this case, a movie)? If I hate someone, the last thing I want is to be stuck in the woods with them for days working together. in this movie, there is a weird mix of sexual tension and plain old "I hate you" tension going on between the characters. The guy making the movie hired his ex wife to be in the movie with him and they're playing a couple who are having relationship problems (as if that doesn't just sound insufferable) and as the shoot drags on, the tensions only get worse, yet no one wants to leave until it's way too late (not that I think the evil thing will let them get away anyway, since it seems determined to take their souls, but they don't even try to leave, and that stretches credibility a little too far for me).

Like all found footage films, this movie relies heavily on jump scares, and there are some really good ones that even worked on me, and I've seen half a hundred of these movies. There's a considerable amount of gore in this movie too, more than I think I've ever seen in a found footage flick before. The special effects can be a little hokey at times, but I think the reactions of the cast sell it, particularly the actress who plays Amy. I think she was the best actor in the bunch if I had to pick one. The movie hits all the right notes and doesn't drag on for too long, plus there's good gore and even some good acting, so I enjoyed this one and think you should check it out if you like found footage movies.

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