Sunday, October 23, 2022

October Horror Challenge 2022 #94: "Escape Room: Tournament of Champions"

Check out these cool posters I found online. I love the different designs. They went all out designing posters for this movie. I hope they spent as much time and effort writing the script and crafting the movie as they spent on the designs for the posters. I was excited to hear they made a sequel to this movie, and it's not one of those direct to DVD in-name-only sequels that has nothing to do with the original movie, either. It has returning characters from the first movie and an interesting premise, so I'm excited to check it out and see how I like it.

In this movie, six people find their worst nightmares come true. They find themselves trapped inside another series of escape rooms. slowly uncovering what they have in common in order to survive. Unfortunately for them, this nightmare is all too familiar as they discover that all of them have at least one thing in common: they've all played this game before. I hate it when a group of psychos kidnap me and put me through a torturous experience that I only just barely manage to survive, only to find myself right back where I started, kidnapped by psychos acting out the deadly, sadistic escape rooms in order to survive.

I thought the whole point of the escape rooms in the first movie was to make it so there were no survivors? The existence of this many survivors would suggest that they've been very sloppy indeed to have let this many people escape. Someone hasn't been doing their job. Tsk tsk. Typically in sequels everything has to be twice as big and twice as bad as it was in the first movie, so I was ready for there to be twice as big and twice as deadly puzzles this time around. The first puzzle is very electrifying (sorry, I had to) but it is bigger than what they were facing the first time around in the first movie. The second room is definitely bigger than anything they faced in the first movie too. Who is funding this operation? It must have cost a fortune to build all these rooms. Is this what rich people are doing with all their money? You have to wonder.


One of the characters in this sequel is a priest. It doesn't say whether he's an Episcopal priest or a Catholic priest, but in my headcanon he's an Episcopal priest, and he's a good guy, too, trying to save others above himself. I appreciated that heroism in a character, even if the other characters didn't always appreciate it. The escape rooms pack a big punch this time around. There's quicksand, a sinking lighthouse, and a room that gives new meaning to the term "acid rain." Plus just when you think it's over, surprise bitch, it's never over. I have to wonder if there's going to be an Escape Room III coming out next. For now, I'm happy with this sequel and I'm glad I checked it out.

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