Saturday, October 3, 2020

2020 October Horror Challenge #9: "The Sandman (2017)"


To continue my trek into Creepy Kidland, I'm finally getting to check out this movie that Hulu keeps bugging me about. They must know I'm a freak who likes weird little creepy movies like this. I also like Haylie Duff and Tobin Bell, so I have high hopes for this one.

This movie is about a little girl with mysterious powers who is being stalked by a creepy boogeyman she calls "The Sandman." Everywhere she goes, this creature follows her and kills people. No one believes her stories except for her aunt, who must fight and defeat the evil being before it's too late.

This movie pissed me off right away. No one believes the little girl, Madison's, stories about the sandman, but they think she's nuts and keep her sedated and in restraints, and when she breaks free we see all the lights burn out at once and the building shakes. Oh yeah, that's totally normal, you idiots. Plus they don't want her aunt Claire to take custody of Madison because she's unmarried and works as a photographer for girlie magazines, so of course she must be a terrible person.

 I liked watching Claire take charge and bond with Madison and stay in her corner even when none of the other adults believed her. Kids deserve someone who fights for them. She's skeptical at first, but she doesn't treat her niece like she's crazy or anything, which is better than I can say for most of the adults in movies like this. Of course, a lot of the adults are horrible, but they get dispatched pretty quickly, which is good because I don't like them. Either they don't believe Madison or they want to hurt her, which makes me not really care if they get killed by the Sandman.

I don't get why so many people hate this movie. I mean, it's not the greatest movie ever made, but it's still an entertaining and fun way to kill an hour and a half. There's no real gore, and i do think it mixes elements of other movies I've seen (and honestly liked better) and the ending gets a bit wonky (and rips off Firestarter to boot) but I still kinda liked this movie. It would be a fun movie to watch with kids to introduce them to horror movies.

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