Monday, October 12, 2020

2020 October Horror Challenge #44: "Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers"


I forgot how cool the opening credits sequence is for this movie. This is like the bastard stepchild of the Halloween movies. I really like it, but most people seem to hate it, and they get PISSED when they talk about how bad it is. I don't know. For the fifth movie in any series, it's not THAT bad. I still think it's better than part 2, and everyone else seems to like that one. For what they had to work with, I think they did a good job connecting this movie with part 4, continuing what was becoming an increasingly ridiculous timeline with every subsequent movie. Yeah, it's ridiculous that anyone could have survived the way Michael did and kept killing, ESPECIALLY  after the 4th movie, but since the filmmakers HAD to make this movie and continue the story, they did what they could. It's not remotely realistic, but it works.

In this movie, Michael Myers has survived the events of the 4th movie (yeah, yeah, I know, but they do their best to come up with an explanation of how). Jamie is in an institution, her mind cracked because of her psychic connection to her murderous uncle. It seems that her brain has melded with his, so she sees what he sees. The trauma has rendered her mute. When Michael returns to his murderous ways, she has to live every kill with him. She escapes from the institution and tries to stop her uncle, but will she be strong enough to fight him?

Donald Pleasance reprise his role as Dr. Loomis in this movie, and he's really creepy.  After the events of the previous movies, he's more than a little nuts, and he's obsessed with using Jamie to try and find her uncle, so he lurks around the mental institution throwing fits and screaming about Michael Myers and how he's evil and must be stopped. It's a wonder they don't have him committed. The institution isn't that great obviously,  because Jamie escapes her bed like 23 times throughout the movie and eventually leaves the institution. Great job on security,  guys.

There are some places I agree with the people who hate this movie. The teenage characters are annoying, the "keystone kopps" police officers are irritating and not funny, and the mysterious "man in black" that's supposed to be a big secret (who is he? Do we care? No we don't) is stupid and distracting. The ending is really stupid too, and it's supposed to set up this big mystery that no one cares about because it's ridiculous and annoying. 

I can set that aside though, because some parts of the movie are cool. I like the beginning of the movie, the nod to Frankenstein, where Michael is the monster who needs to be nursed back to health. I like the scenes of Michael stalking and killing his victims. He dispatches most of those annoying teenagers I mentioned earlier. Danielle Harris does a great job here as Jamie, haunted by her connection to her uncle the boogeyman. I also like the little boy who plays Jamie's friend from the institution, helping her find her uncle. And let's face it, that creepy theme music makes every scene ten times better. They could have someone clipping their toenails with that music in the background and it would be scary. So for me, there's more good than bad in this movie. What can I say, I love me some slasher movies. I enjoy this one every time I check it out.

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