Sunday, October 4, 2020

2020 October Horror Challenge #15: "Bug (1975)"


I like watching the "nature attacks" kind of movies like this. "Phase IV" was one too. I think it all started back when I was a kid and I watched "Food of the Gods." It's all about how if we don't start taking care of the environment,  bad things are going to happen and nature's creatures are going to turn against us. It seems timely now with all the focus on climate change and people just now seem to be realizing that we have an environment and maybe we should take care of it. Movies like this were ahead of their time, I guess. 

So this movie is about a big earthquake in the desert that leaves a giant crack in the land, and these pissed off cockroach-like creatures start crawling out of it and killing people. Bugs kinda creep me out anyway, and these ones are particularly nasty because they can start fires. Of course, instead of trying to kill them, there's a crazy scientist who wants to experiment with them and make everything worse. Isn't that always the way.

Why do these movies always have such annoying music? I was thinking the same thing watching "Phase IV" yesterday, that its working title must have been "Loud Annoying Noise: The Movie." There's lots of shrieking and beeping going on in the soundtrack here, and my hypothesis is that the music in this movie is a big part of what drove the scientist insane. I don't blame him. Yikes.

Besides the music,  the bugs are creepy. I mean, they just hang around crawling on people, and it's establoshed that they're really heavy and they have extra hard shells, but people keep not noticing the bugs until it's too late and the bugs set them on fire. If you're not wigged put by bugs, this movie might get boring,  but it gave me a creepy-crawly feeling, and the music added to the atmosphere when it wasn't making my eardrums explode. This movie isn't great or anything, but it was a fun watch, as long as you don't get a migraine from the soundtrack. 

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