Friday, October 13, 2017

October Horror Challenge 2017 #40: "Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever"

So I saw the first Cabin Fever in theaters. It was released right around my birthday, so I went hoping to enjoy some gory fun, and the movie delivered on that promise (I never want to shave my legs again after one particular scene... eeeewwwww). This sequel went through some huge issues though, with the director infamously wanting to pull his name from the project because he was so pissed. That made me leery of watching the movie, so I've avoided it for years. It's been awhile now though, long enough for the shine to wear off my memory of the first movie, so I can see a lot of flaws in it that I didn't acknowledge at first, and I've seen the third movie in the series and really enjoyed it, so I'm ready to give this sequel a chance. I'm not expecting much, though.

In this sequel, the titular "cabin fever" from the first movie, a nasty flesh-eating bacteria of some kind, has spread beyond the woods where it originated and is getting ready to decimate the teens at a local high school's prom. The teens are kind of annoying, so I looked forward to seeing them die horribly. The movie plays off the standard "kids rool adults drool" schtick, so it's hard to get emotionally invested in what happens to them. It seems like this movie can't decide at first whether it wants to be horror or comedy, so it dinks around failing at both. Boo.

I'm not sure if it's during the musical montage (no, I'm not making that up) or the awkward sex scene that had me screaming "condoms, condoms you idiot! Enjoy your STDS assholes!" But at some point, I pretty much gave up on the movie. There's some good gore, and I enjoyed that they tried to include some nods to the first movie, but the biggest nod involved them bringing back the most annoying characters from the first movie for an extended appearance. Not a big help here, guys. All their attempts at character development fall flat, so all that's left is to watch the characters die is nasty, horrible ways, but I can find a movie that does the same thing but with characters I actually like, and I'd rather watch that instead.

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