Monday, October 30, 2023

October Horror Challenge 2023 #94: "Wicked Lake"

Someone recommended this movie to me, but i can't remember who it was now, and just in the first ten minutes im really wishing i could remember who it was, because i have a feeling this movie is going to suck and i want to know who to be mad at if that happens. I read up a little bit on this movie after i started watching it, and that's not onspiring much confidence in me. IMDB only gives this movie a 3 out of 10 and it has like, 14% on Rotten Tomatoes. Uh oh. Too bad it's too late and the movie has started. See, the rules are that once I've started a movie, im not allowed to stop it. I made that rule so i wouldn't waste time. When you have 100 movies to watch in a month you don'thave time to dink around and start a bunch of movies then turn them off and go to something else. Unfortunately, that means i have to continue watching terrible movies even if my spidey sense is telling me they're bad early on. Supposedly this is a slasher, though, and i like slashers, even when they're bad, so who knows? Let's see what happens.

So this movie starts out with a very sexually repressed young man who dreams about having sex with the nude model he's trying to draw in art class. Poor kid. Sex seems to be the only thing he thinks about, and when he goes home, we see that he lives in a very abusive family situation, which makes me feel bad for him. Anyway, soon after this we meet our main characters, four young women (one of whom is the nude model we saw earlier) head out for a fun girl's trip, but soon their fun weekend turns into a nightmare when they run into some men who want to throw a big old sexual assault party, because all the men in this movie are sex-crazed freaks. The movie dispatches the only remotely sympathetic character in the first five minutes of this scene, and then we're left with the 4 girls, who aren't very likeable, and the men, who aren't any better (see my earlier comment about sex crazed freaks) and we have to wait until the tables are turned on the men (because it's pretty clear that's going to happen, even before i read the movie synopsis that says what happens). What will happen to the four young women (and do we even really care by this point?)

The tagline of this movie is a spoiler. it's like no one told the writers of this movie that you're supposed to keep plot twists a secret. The tagline says "Life's a witch, and then you die." So there will be witches happening at some point, yes? Unfortunately for me, i read the tagline of this movie before i started watching it, and i suspect that is true for most people, since the tagline is right on the cover of the movie. So the whole time, I'm just waiting for the witches to show up and save me from having to watch this boring movie. I do disagree with whoever classified this movie as a slasher. It'snot a slasher in any way, shape, or form. Just a movie about some witches who toy with some would-be rapists before torturing and killing them. And since none of these characters is remotely likeable, it's just boring watching the whole thing. I was counting the moments until this one was over, and that's not a good look for you, "Wicked Lake." Do yourself a favor and skip this one.

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