Wednesday, October 11, 2023

October Horror Challenge 2023 #49: "Martyrs (2015)"

Ive heard a lot of angry rants about this movie. A lot of people say it's a dumbed-down version of the original, that it misses the point of the original (and what pray tell do you think is the point of the original?) and they just generally don't like it, which is fair, not everyone is going to like everything, but im hoping that this movie isn't as bad as people say, because i don't like wasting my time with bad movies, especially remakes that are inferior to the original movies. I'd rather just watch the original instead. But this movie has Troian Bellasario in it, and I really liked her in "Pretty Little Liars," so I want to like this movie. I've been excited to watch it for awhile now, and tonight I finally get the chance. Don't let me down, movie.

In this version of The movie, Troian Bellasario plays Lucie and Bailey Noble plays Anna. This movie keeps the same basic story: a young girl escaped from the people who kidnapped and tortured her as a child, she meets Anna and they become friends, Anna agrees to help Lucie find the people who abused her. They find the family, and Lucie wants to get revenge on them for their crimes against her. Can Anna stop Lucie before it's too late? Will this movie be as preachy as the original? did they keep the twist ending the same or try to dumb it down (I hope they dumbed it dows; personally, because it would be rough having to sit through THAT again).

If you're going to remake a movie, I'd rather you change something about it and make it your own, rather than just making the same movie we already have. I don't want a copy of the original, like the remake of "The Omen." it had a great cast and it was a good movie, but it was an exact copy of the original and this totally unnecessary. We already have that movie. We want a new one. I noticed right off the bat that this movie wasn't as brutal as the original and there isn't as much nudity. Not that the nudity bothered me because it wasn't meant to titillate (and if it did titillate you, you're messed up) but there just isn't any in this movie. I guess US torturers are prudes who like to keep their victims' clothes on. Who knows.


This movie is just as preachy as the original movie, it still has the bad guys standing around telling people people about their evil plans, so that's something they kept (and the head bad guy is a woman here, like in the original movie). Go go gender equality! Women can be psychos too! But the preachy bad guy woman in this movie isn't as cool as the one in the original. The one in the original is way more creepy. I was going to make a snotty remark about there being less gore in this movie, but they actually show the skin peeling off in this one, so it's at least as brutal as the original, pound for pound. They did change the ending, which is what I thought they were going to do. I think the original ending was more ambivalent and a little too esoteric and philosophical (and screwed up) for US audiences. Plus this ending gets a nice jab in at Christians (the original movie was abjectly non-religious, but they put Lucie up on a cross in this one and the priest was in full priestly garb and the people were praising God while they tortured Lucie). in my darkest moments, I feel this way about churches too, so I get it. I guess they had to change the very ending because the original was just too bleak for the US of A. They did go whole hog with the gore, though they stopped short of pulling all of Lucie's skin off. Ultimately, I think this movie has more of an upbeat feel to it. We get to see Anna get revenge of a sort, so she's not helpless like she was in the original movie. I guess I liked this film well enough, but it's not as good as the original, and that didn't take me two weeksto decide.

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