Friday, October 20, 2023

October Horror Challenge 2023 #72: "Crawl"

You ever wonder why people say things like "alligator infested swamps"? i mean, it's kinda rude, they live there, it's their home, and like the tagline of this movie says, they were here first. I mean, we don’t say "human infested beaches" now do we, and that's arguably more accurate. Regardless, I didn't know much about this movie before I watched it, but from the poster I ascertained that it was about alligators chowing down on humans. I've already seen a movie about a killer alligator, just named "Alligator," I've also seen "Alligator 2," come to think of it. But when I saw this movie was directed by Alexandre Aja, who directed my favorite movie of all time, "The Hills Have Eyes (2006)," I knew I HAD to give this movie a chamce, so that's what I'm doing now. Here goes nothing.

The premise of this movie is even more scary because it couldcome true. "Alligator" wasn't like that. No one believes those old wives' tales about pet baby alligators being flushed down the toilet, somehow surviving, and mutating into giant killer beasts, but this movie? This could happem. It'sabout a girl and her dad who get stranded trying to evacuate during a hurricane. As if that weren't bad enough, they soon find themselves surrounded by a bunch of hungry alligators. Trapped and with little hope of rescue, they find themselves fightingfor their lives. Nature is out to get these two. First the weather tries to kill them with the hurricane, then the hungry alligators try to make them into dinner. Will these two be able to stave off the alligators and get themselves to safety, or will they become Alligator chow?

Hurricanes are scary enough on their own. They're destructive at their best and devastating at their worst, so this movie is already terrifying even before any alligators get involved. Unfortunately for our heroes, alligators eventually DO get involved, and they'rereally menacing and scary. i love animals, but im not a fan of anything that's huge and wants to eat me and could easily kill me if it wanted. I'm fuuny like that. This movie is large with the jump scares. I'm easily startled, so jump scares usually get to me and this movie has a lot of them. There'salso some gote when the hungry gators start munching away on some side characters. This movie is intense and we'renever sure what'sgoing to kill our characters, because the storm and the gators are equally dangerous. I like how Aja made it that way; thr characters are damned if they do and damned if they don't. This was well worth checking out.

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