Monday, October 2, 2023

October Horror Challenge 2023 #12: "Fall"

I watched this movie last year too, and it was so much fun giving myself a panic attack that I decided to watch it again this year. Great idea, right? now I've heard people say this isn't a horror movie, but those people obviously don't have a fear of heights. sometimes just standing up can make my head spin, so the idea of climbing a mountain on purpose, scaling up a cliff side, using the tips of your fingers for leverage, there's just about nothing more terrifying to me, the opening sequence to this movie had me gripping my seat with a death grip while my heart raced and I didn't know what to do to stop the spinning, and I've seen it before so I knew what was coming. Regardless of whatever genre is listed on IMDB, this is a horror movie for me, and I'm watching it again. As one of the characters in this movie says, let's punch fear in the dick! Here we go!

Three thrill seekers are the best of friends, and when the movie opens, they're climbing up an insanely high cliff face when tragedy strikes. Left alone suddenly, one girl doesn't know what to do, while another has a plan: a climb to the top of a more than a thousand foot high radio tower, the fourth highest structure in the US, according to our friend. While reluctant at first, eventually our heroine agrees to the climb and they set out with backpacks, their phones, and a drone to help them document their adventure. Unfortunately for them, the tower is in disrepair, so once they reach the top, their ladder breaks and falls off, leaving them stranded at the tippy-top of the massive tower with no cell service and no hope of rescue. What will they do? Will they survive?

Our two lovely ladies, Becky and Hunter, have a very realistic seeming friendship. it's hard to believe they haven't been friends for years. The actresses do an excellent job of making the movie believable. The height isn't the only obstacle for them either, they have to deal with the weather and vultures and a few personal demons they need to fight, but ultimately, it's their friendship that helps make the movie work. I was rooting for them the whole time, while trying not to puke from sheer terror. This one is the scariest movie I've seen for the challenge, certainly for this year and maybe even forever. Some may not like it but I highly recommend this one to anyone who is afraid of heights. Come live on the wild side with me.

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