Friday, October 13, 2023

October Horror Challenge 2023 #55: "Knock at the Cabin"

M. Night Shyamalan is very hit and miss with his movies. personally, I've enjoyed all his movies that I've seen, so to me they're good, but other people would disagree with that assessment. I even liked "Lady in the Water," and that seems to be especially hated among the people I've talked to. I enjoy watching Shyamalan's films immensely, and I always have fun watching for the twist ending that we all know is coming. I think Shyamalan is a good filmmaker who sometimes gets too big for his britches as my mom would say, and he needs to tone down his ego at times, but he doesn't deserve the crap he gets from people. Oh wait, I forgot "The Happening," I hated that movie. But I've liked all the rest of his movies, so chances are good that I'll like this one as well. Let's see what happens.

What would you do if you were enjoying a family getaway in a cute little cabin in the woods when suddenly there's a knock at your cabins door and four strange people with weapon-like instruments stand on your front porch and start talking about the end of the world? That's what happens to the two gay dads in this movie (yay! gay!) I guess i could also ask what you would do if you were an ordinary person who suddenly got visions of the end of the world? Whatever you decided to do, I would hope you would go about it better than these dipwits do. This movie is based on a book by Paul Tremblay called "The Cabin at the End of the World." I've read one of Tremblay's books before, and it was a twisty good time, but i didn't get the chance to read the book before i watched this movie. That's probably for the best, since i would most likely be even more annoyed than i already am with this movie.

Right away the acting in this movie started getting under my skin. The main character, Leonard, is particularly annoying. He delivers all of his lines in a monotone voice that grates on my nerves. I've seen him before and he doesn't always talk like this, so it's obviously a choice he's made for this film, and I don't like it. His character has a really important message he has to deliver, and the way he goes about it practically ensures that no one will believe him. Gotta work on that delivery, my dude. This movie jumps around a lot, from scenes at the cabin to scenes from the family's past life before the events of this movie, and it's kind of distracting. I don't like not knowing what is going on, and this movie is more confusing than Shyamalan's other films even, so there's a lot of not knowing going on here. I kept waiting for the twist to come, but then I realized this movie was going to be more like "Lady in the Water," where the whole movie is the twist. So the movie is over with now and I still can't decide if I like it or not. Maybe I'll figure that out later. Hell, it took me two weeks with "Martyrs" to decide whether I liked it or not, so this movie is in good company.

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