Wednesday, October 11, 2023

October Horror Challenge 2023 #48: "Martys (20

People seem to either really love or really hate this movie. It's very polarizing. I've heard it called a masterpiece and I've heard it called garbage. When i first saw it, I thought I had the twist figured out and it was pretty cool. Someone should make a movie about what I thought was the plot of this movie, because that would be pretty cool (I thought the tortured girls were being chained in people's houses to serve as alarm systems in case there were intruders...sounds like something rich people would do). But I was wrong and the movie has an even bigger twist in store, and it's this twist that causes so many people to stumble when they're watching this movie. After I saw the movie, it took me two weeks to think about it before I decided if I liked it or not. I came to the conclusion that I did like this movie, but I can sympathize with those who don't. Today I'm going to watch the original and the remake and let you know what I think. First let's start with the original.

This movie is the story of two girls, Anna and Lucie, who are best friends. They meet when they are in an orphanage together and they immediately bond. Lucie has escaped from a place where she was tortured, though she can't remember who her tormentors were or how she got there. Fifteen years later, Anna and Lucie are still best friends, and they're on the hunt for the people who hurt Lucie when she was a child. Lucie finds them first and seeks justice, but does she have the right people? And can Anna stop her before she goes too far? And why are these people torturing young girl's in the first place? Questions will be answered, but the answers will lead to more questions in the explosive twist ending that has fans arguing all across the internet what it means.

This movie is gory, and I mean REALLY gory. The French like their gore with a side of plot, not the other way around. Almost every scene in the first half of the movie is drenched in blood; and in the second half there's so much brutality that it feels like we're seeing more gore than we are. The girls carry this movie and their performances are spectacular. Whatever you think of the movie, you have to admit that these young ladies gave it their all. Morjana Aloui plays Anna and Mylène Jampanoi plays Lucie. They have to get soaked an blood and rain and they have to run around carrying dead weight and being chased and stabbed and I don't know what else. Kudos to them for singlehandedly making the movie worth watching, if only for their performances.


These two girls are more than just good friends, or at the very least Anna is in love with Lucie, and she stays by her side through everything. She truly gives up her life for her friend, and that's what those idiots in this movie who are behind all the torture don't understand. Anna is already a martyr because she gives up her life for her friend . Being a martyr is about giving up your life for someone or something, being tortured until you reach some level of enlightenment. I know they're the bad guys, but the movie takes their side more than I can stand, so I have to say my peace, though it may be something of a spoiler. They're just wrong, and this is what happens when imperfect people follow their beliefs to an absolute standard, they always screw it up. Hopefully not to the extent that these idiots do, but they always get the message wrong and wind up making a mess, and people get hurt and killed. The second half (or at least the last third) of this movie is very preachy with the bad guys standing around and explaining their evil plan) and I think that's where the movie loses people because it's a lot to take in and they're very dogmatic and melodramatic and sure that their beliefs are right. I'm sure we all know people like that, so we should all be able to relate to this movie in that instance (not that anyone would WANT to relate to this movie). So yes, I do like this movie, but I don't recommend it to anyone unless you have a strong stomach for torture and violence and gore. If you do and you don't mind a lot of preaching in your movies, you might want to check this out.

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