Sunday, October 22, 2023

October Horror Challenge 2023 #78: "Blade (1998)"

What do you watch when you're crabby and tired of watching movies? For me, going back to the late 90s was just what I needed. When Blade came out, it was the year that I went into foster care and my life was in upheaval, and one of the only constants in my life was that vampires were cool. I really wanted to see "Blade" when it came out in theaters, but i didn't get to see it until a few years later when i was in college. I rented it on VHS (remember VHS?) and marveled at how cool Blade was. Half vampire, half human, all hero. The comics were awesome, and for me the movie was even better. It was great getting to see Blade come to life onscreen. When you're tired of watching movies, it helps to watch something that reminds you of why you started watching horror movies in the first place.

In this movie, right at the beginning a pregnant woman is rushed to the hospital because she got bitten by someone and she's bleeding heavily. We savvy viewers know that she must have been attacked by a vampire, and she's fading fast. The doctors are unable to save her, but they do manage to save her baby, who is now half human and half vampire. Damn, i hate it when that happens. Fast forward 30 some years or so and that baby is all grown up and he now hunts and kills vampires. He travels around, hiding in the shadows, fighting the creatures that killed his mother. He's teamed up with a human who helps him in his vampire hunting quest, played by Kris Kristofferson, and fights against an evil vampire leader played by Stephen Dorff. Will Blade be able to thwart his evil plan in time to save the city and possibly the world?

I forgot how badass Wesley Snipes is in this movie. He really nails the role of the broody superhero who walks with one foot in the vampire world and one foot in the human world and he's 100% moody all the time. Gotta love him. I like how he's kinda got that Bateman vibe down, the tempermental hero who's mad at the world. I like how the vampires in this movie are so ingrained in the system that they've infiltrated the government and they basically run the police now, so there's no one safe to go to for help except for Blade and his companion, the good guys who have to operate on the wrong side of the law because the law is corrupt. Stephen Dorff plays Deacon Frost, the head bad guy vampire in this movie. I forgot how hot he was in this movie. There's some great gore in this movie too (check out the opening sequence with a literal shower of blood at a rave). When you're tired of reviewing movies, this movie is the perfect palate cleanser. It's just what i needed.

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