Sunday, October 22, 2023

October Horror Challenge 2023 #77: "Dracula: Dead and Loving It"

For someone who loves Dracula as much as i do, it's kinda amazing that I haven't seen this movie before today. I've heard of it, of course I have, but I just never got around to actually watching it. In my defense, I tend not to like comedies. They're often stupid instead of funny to me, so I was in no rush to watch this movie, but I couldn't pass up the chance to see it today. Let's see what I think of it.

Dracula has never been more dapper than he is in this movie. Leslie Nielson plays the infamous Count Dracula, first enslaving the hapless Renfield, then traveling to London to wreak havoc upon unsuspecting citizens. First he attacks and kills Lucy, then he sets his sights on the perpetually virginal Mina, the daughter of renowned doctor Seward. At first the men of science refuse to believe in vampires, but when faced with evidence they can no longer ignore, they soon change their minds and team up with Professor Van Helsing to fight the evil Count Dracula before he chows his way through the UK.

That synopsis makes this movie sound more like a drama than a horror movie, and that's part of the problem. It just isn't very funny. Most of the jokes fall flat for me and i wind up staring blankly at the screen and frowning slightly. I know some horror comedies are ones i like. "Shaun of the Dead" had me rolling. This one just isn't it. How disappointing.

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