Wednesday, October 4, 2023

October Horror Challenge 2023 #19: "Saw V"

I saw this movie in theaters too. It was right after my cancer surgery, my friend drove me to Grand Rapids for surgery and then afterward we decided to watch a movie, and this one was playing in the theater nearest us, so we went to watch it (because I was tired and cranky and in the mood to watch a nasty, gory movie, and this one definitely qualifies). Now if you'll remember, I didn't like the fourth movie, so why did i want to see the fifth movie? well, aside from my aforementioned crankiness, I have the heart of a horror fan who will jump at any chance to see a horror movie in theaters. luckily, my friend loved horror movies as much as I do, so she was willing to come along with me and watch this nasty, grisly mess of a movie. So how did I like it? And does it still hold up on this my third watching of it?

This is the fifth movie in this series! i wonder if the filmmakers who made the first movie imagined there would one day be a part 5 and it would still be raking in enough money for it to be released in theaters and not just shipped off to direct-to-DVDland? Nevertheless the fifth movie does exist, and it picks up right where the fourth movie left off. It's a tangled mess to remember all the plotlines that came before this one, but Jigsaw, the original killer, is now dead, so how many traps did he set before he died, and how many more victims will he have before the nightmare is over? A new group of victims is the focus of our current film, and they're trapped in Jigsaw's clutches, trying to figure out how to survive his trap with their lives intact. Meanwhile, the cops are trying to figure out how Jigsaw's traps are still killing people even after he's dead. Will the hapless group of victims be able to figure out the puzzles he has set for them, or will they all die horribly?

Maybe someone can remember all the previous movies in the series with all their twists, but I'm not one of them. By the time this movie came out, I had already forgotten most of the twists from the past four movies (I'm having trouble keeping track of them today, and I'm watching these movies back-to-back) but i remembered that i hated the fourth movie and that the main cop i never liked is in this movie too,so i was skeptical about whether i would enjoy this one. It opens with a bang, and another one of Jigsaw's nasty traps that doesn't end well for the victim. The trap is appropriately gruesome, bigger than what we've seen before, but that's what you should expect from the fifth movie in a horror series. Gotta give the people what they want, and male it bigger and badder than what came before.

In spite of my misgivings, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie, even with the presence of Badactor McJerkface as a main character. I cared about the big group of Jigsaw victims and wanted them to live. I also figured out the twist in this one, and I wanted to scream at them as they kept not getting it even after multiple hints and clues. I also enjoyed the side story where the cops are chasing down Jigsaw and trying to figure out who he is and stop his traps and clean up his messes. The cops are really clueless in these movies. when they think they've found Jigsaw they always run in without backup and they never have any odea what they are running into. There could be fifty armed assassins and they'd still run in blind and end up right where Jigsaw wants them. Dude, be more careful. All in all I liked this movie a lot, which is good for my cranky ass when I was watching this movie in theaters, but I still enjoyed it today. The Jigsaw backstop is an everloving mess by this point and I think it's beyond help, so I ignored that and just watched the rest of the movie for what it was.

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