Monday, October 9, 2023

October Horror Challenge 2023 #41: "The Devil Bat"

Im extremely irritated right now. i want to be alone and I'm not, so that is getting on my last nerve. What do we do when we're pissed off? That's right kids, we watch a movie. At least that's what I'm going to do. I'm pretty sure I've seen this movie before and maybe even reviewed it before, but like "The Raven," I can't remember anything about it, so I'm watching it again as if for the first time.

In this movie, Bela Lugosi plays a doctor who is really a mad scientist of sorts. He's also a frustrated scientist, because he feels like his employers are pandering to him and not sharing the profits with him. So he does what any of us would do, he genetically engineers some bats to be twice their normal size and trains them to attack and kill a person when they smell a particular scent, and he then makes sure his victims are wearing that scent. After a couple of people turn up dead, a reporter starts nosing around trying to find out who is behind these murders. The reporter is snooping around when a third victim is killed, and he sees a bat attacking the man. Soon the town is in an uproar and the papers are all carrying the story of the murderous devil bat. Will anyone be able to stop the evil doctor and thwart his evil plan before he murders anyone else?

It's surprising how quickly the cops in this movie start believing in the Devil Bat. Usually in these movies the authorities refuse to believe there's a monster around until it kills like half the cast of the movie, but these cops are way more on the ball. I empathize with the doctor, thinking his bosses are screwing him over, so he decides to do something about it, but genetically engineering giant bats to kill them might be going a bit too far. This movie is melodramatic and a little silly, but it was still cool seeing Bela Lugosi do his thing. it's a short movie too, so it never overstays its welcome.

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