Thursday, October 31, 2019

October Horror Challenge 2019 #99: "The Invoking III: Poltergeist Dimensions"

"The Invoking 3," otherwise known as "WTF, they made another sequel to that movie?!" Seriously, I did a search and parts 4 and 5 popped up, too. If they're not joking, that might mean "The Invoking" series is going to become a dumping ground for low-budget horror flicks that won't get released any other way, because the sequels don't have anything to do with each other or with the first "invoking" movie. Sheesh. Let's hope this movie is at least worth watching.

Like  the second movie,  thisis a collection of short horror movies that don't have anything to do with each other or with the first "Invoking" movie. Well, I guess the stories in "The Invoking 2" all had some element of the paranormal, so there's that connection. The stories in part 3 all have an element of the paranormal as well (though not a poltergeist, as the title would have you's not a generic word for ghost, it's a specific kind of spirit, come on guys, words mean things).

As with the second movie,  the stories in this movie are all short, so they don't have too much time to get annoying before they're over. I really loved the first story, a found footage style story that takes place in some dark caves being explored by an archeology student and his friends. That's actually my favorite story in this movie. The rest of them don't feel like stories, because there aren't enough details for them to be considered stories. They're more like just scenes of something creepy, not a story that has a beginning,  a middle, and an end.

I know my chief complaint about the first "Invoking" movie was that it dragged, but these stories could still stand to have been longer without dragging too much. The one about the girl who always notices something creepy in the photos she tries to take with her phone is probably the best of the rest. This is still better than the first movie, though, so I guess that's a win.

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