Wednesday, October 30, 2019

October Horror Challenge 2019 #88: "The Indestructible Man"

You know that whole "two wrongs don't make a right" thing? Movies like this operate under that universal rule by introducing a bad guy who does bad things, but gets his revenge on people who are even worse. It's cool to see bad guys get what is coming to them. A thousand Tales from the Crypt stories were launched under thos principle, so movies like this are usually fun in that sort of way.

In this movie, a man is sentenced to death for robbery and murder. He was betrayed by two guys who worked with him then turned states's evidence in exchange for their freedom after testifying against him. He was also double crossed by a slimy lawyer who set him up. Even though he's about to be executed, he refuses to give up the location of the money he stole, and he threatens to kill everyone who's double crossed him. Unluckily for them, and scientist bribes people to get access to the killer's body do to experiments on it after he's executed. Even more unluckily, the experiments revive the guy's body back to life and make him almost impossible to kill. Soon he's getting revenge on everyone who's wronged him. Uh oh.

This movie isn't great by any means, but it's fun to watch the bad guy kill the even badder guys.

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