Friday, October 25, 2019

October Horror Challenge 2019 #67: "The Killer Shrews"

I was surprised at how terrible this movie was. Like, I knew it was going to suck, but "The Creamators," for example,  was terrible but at least entertaining and even had a few effective scenes. This movie was just stupid and boring. The movie is about a bunch of murders that start happening in a small town, luckily populated with some scientists who can give us long, boring speeches about how vicious shrews are. Said speeches serve as exposition, because it turns out that 4he killings are being perpetrated by some giant shrews, which are pissy little angry as animals on a good day, and these shrews are giant. Soon only a small group of survivors are left, and they have to find a way to escape, and everyone stopped caring hours ago, and blah blah blah. Just watch something else.

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