Sunday, October 28, 2018

October Horror Challenge 2018 #86: "47 Meters Down"

I've loved shark movies all my life. I saw Jaws and Jaws 2 on TV when I was a kid, and ever since then, I've tried to watch every shark movie I can get my hands on. I saw the original "Open Water" in theaters and scared the crap out of myself. I like the Sharknado movies (shut up) and I even had fun with terrible movies like "Avalance Sharks." I've been wanting to see this movie since it came out, since I love Mandy Moore almost as much as I love shark movies, so I was excited to finally get to check this out.

So in this movie, 2 sisters take a break from their troubles and spend some time partying in Mexico. They decide to do something daring and go for a cage dive in shark infested waters. Unfortunately, things go wrong and soon they're trapped in a cage at the bottom of the ocean surrounded by sharks. Yikes. They have to figure out how to survive without getting eaten or running out of air.

You couldn't PAY me to go on a cage dive, especially a non-professional one like the one in this movie where the guide doesn't even make sure the ladies have diving permits. Lock me in a metal cage and lower me into shark-infested waters? Hahahahahahaha no. A world of no. But I can see why the characters do it in this movie. The character Development is so good that I get why one sister wants to break out of her shell and do something daring, and why the other sister convinces her to try it even though she has doubts and tries to turn back.

Mandy Moore is a good actress, and it's cool seeing her in a role usually filled by a no-name actress in a low-budget movie like this. Also, the threat of drowning is terrifying enough that the movie doesn't take much effort to be scary since the premise already freaks me out. Because of the character development and good acting, the movie is even better than it might be otherwise, so I really enjoyed watching this one. Also I'm never going cage diving ever ever ever.

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