Sunday, October 28, 2018

October Horror Challenge 2018 #81: "Truth or Dare (2018)"

I've seen a few movies similar to this one, so I thought I'd seen this movie before, but I watched the trailer and realized that I've never seen this particular version of the story, so I decided to give it a whirl. I usually like movies like this even if they're kinda terrible, so I hoped I would enjoy it.

So back in 1986, a group of college students (or teenagers played by 30 year olds, it's hard to tell) played a game of Truth or Dare with deadly consequences. All but one of them is dead, and the survivor is horribly scarred from the sick, twisted "dares" in that game. Now another group of friends is on the same house for Halloween, ready to maybe see some ghosts, when they start playing another game of "truth or dare" that has similar deadly consequences for them.

The parts where the house traps them and forces them to complete the "dares" are really cool, and there's some gruesome stuff involved. I feel like they're not the most likeable people, though. They're all lying and keeping secrets from each other, and they keep not doing what the game demands they do, even after they see that not doing what the game wants results in pain and death. Plus there's that part of the movie where everything calms down for a moment and they're all like "oh well, I guess it's over now" when OBVIOUSLY it's not over and they're all in danger. So yeah, it's s little predictable and silly, but it's still kinda fun, of you like this sort of thing (and I do...sue me).

Edit: so apparently Netflix is a lying liar face, and the poster they included with this movie is for a different horror movie, a version of "Truth or Dare" that actually appeared in theaters and started Lucy Hale (who I love). I'm sure I'd love that movie too, but the one I saw was a made for TV version of the story, so I hunted around until I found a poster that was for the actual movie I watched:

Still cool, still a fun watch for me, and I actually really liked the ending.

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