Saturday, December 16, 2023

Christmas Disturbing Horror Giveaway!

Comment on this post with your favorite disturbing horror movie and I'll pick 1 winner to win a disturbing horror Christmas package! Here's mine:

This is one of my favorites. I bought it in college because I heard it was one of the most disturbing movies ever made, and I wanted to watch it. I didn't expect it to have any actual cinematic value. But I was surprised by Camille Keaton's performance in that it's actually very good and harrowing. The rape scene is indeed disturbing, and there's one scene with a phone call that never fails to make me jump and give me chills even after all these years. Someone once asked me why I would want to watch a movie that graphically and brutally depicts rape, and my response was that rape is both graphic and brutal, so if a movie is going to show those things, I want it to be realistic and true to life. "Descent" (not "The Descent" with the cave monsters which while it is a great movie is not about rape) is another one that depicts both male and female rape and is so disturbing in the end that it almost did me in. Brutal stuff, but cinematically honest.


  1. For me, the Exorcist (1973) was/is the most disturbing horror film I have ever seen. This film had left a lasting impact on me, and ignited my love of the horror genre at a young age. It's a horror classic, and has stood the test of time in my opinion. The practical effects were excellent for the time, and even still hold up well to this day. But aside from the movie being well crafted. It contains a great cast that turned in stellar performances, and I don't think that the film could have been adapted any better than it was. I've seen a few other disturbing horror movies over the years, and I agree with you, that I Spit on Your Grave ranks among them. Another one that comes to mind, is the first Faces of Death documentary movie. For many years, I thought that the horror in that film was actually legit, and not tampered with in any way. Thanks for your generosity with having your Christmas Disturbing Horror Giveaway! And for the chance to participate!

    Ronald Oliver


    1. Thanks for the comment. I agree that The Exorcist had a great cast and the special effects were great for its time and even today they're hard to beat. For me, the most disturbing scene in the movie is at the end during the epilogue, seeing little Regan with her scarred, sad face that shows the impact of the evil done to her.

  2. The possessed makeup on Linda Blair was/is the stuff of nightmares for sure! That, and the film as a whole left a huge impact on me growing up. It literally scared me when I was a kid seeing it for the first time. But that's because the movie was done so well. It succeeded in scaring me (as it did millions of people who've seen it). So it was the one film that ignited my love of the horror genre early on.

    1. Well, you won the contest, lol. Email me your address and I'll send you some disturbing horror DVDs!

    2. Awesome!! Thanks, Eileen! I love disturbing! Some people may think that we're wacked! But you already know that us "true" horror fiends are dead-icated to the genre, and we love the artistic vision in the genre if done properly. I will email you my info. right away! Thanks again, for having the contest!
